The Ponderous Path to Plotdom


Are you planning for NaNo yet? You really should be, it’s coming! This Saturday night! Eek! I’ll be taking a look at the book Pacifika discusses below and seeing if I want to do this along with her. I still have 5 days, right?

Spokane River Writers

A few years ago I found copies of Ready, Set, Novel by Chris Baty, Lindsey Grant, And Tavia Stewart-StreitReady, Set, Novel! by Chris Baty, Lindsey Grant, And Tavia Stewart-Streit

(the illustrious heroes of the sacred halls of This book has sat in a drawer because, well, I’m a happy pantser. This is how I work. I’ve mentioned this before (feel free to check out a previous post The Eternal Question). It is an absolute joy to write this way. The shocked gasp when my plots go all wibbly wobbly certainly amuses anyone around me. Thus this workbook has sat.

Recently NaNo put on a NaNoPrep webinar with four writers. Jonathan Maberry (YA horror and freelance comic book work among other things) mentioned that he uses Writing the Breakout Novel Workbook by Donald Maass as a starting point for every one of his novels.

by Donald MaassI wandered to to Barnes and Noble this morning to take a look at 

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Yes Thinking IS Writing!


As if we had any doubts… Think away and post those word counts!

Writerish Ramblings

I came across a blog yesterday that stated thinking isn’t writing. I have to respectfully disagree! First and foremost, everything is writing for a writer. Every experience you have, each thing you witness. Anything you learn from (or don’t if you’re stubborn). It all lends itself to your writing so all of it is writing.

When you are thinking about what to write, that is pre-writing. If you’re researching for a story, that is part of the writing process, therefore it too is writing. Writing isn’t simply putting pen to paper or your hands on the keyboard. If you didn’t do any thinking about your story, there would be nothing to writer. Now I know it’s possible to sit down with no plan in mind and write but whatever comes out of your head in that moment comes from something you saw, did, read or heard about, or maybe wish…

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What to do…what to do…


I’m waffling – my ghost story is lurking in the back of my mind, waiting to be continued now that I’ve clarified the three stories (yes I said three). But the shiny new skin scent magic world is what’s captured my muse’s attention at the moment. In this third corner is the cupcake Mardi Gras murder that is appearing as a short story. Lastly, there is the short, flash fiction st I started. Maybe started is a bit exaggerated. I do have basic sentences of the ideas though.

If this were a test or chores, I’d know to do the smallest, quickest first; after all, the more you get done, the better your score. . But writing doesn’t work like that. It usually takes a lot more effort to write those flash fiction and short stories. With novel length stories you can ramble on, adding scenes and words as necessary. That’s not to say writing a novel is any faster or easier. The effort difference is minimal, but there.

Assuming the muse is equally interested in the various story ideas, which would you choose first?

  1. reincarnation/ghost (soul stealing) series
  2. skin scent magic world
  3. set of 5 flash fiction shorts
  4. cupcake Mardi Gras murder short story

Comments welcome – especially since it’s Day 1!

Write Anything Wednesday March 18, 2015

Write Anything Wednesday March 18, 2015

Perfect for pre-camp warm-ups! 😃

Writerish Ramblings

Today you are going to write something, anything. Do some flash fiction or a short story if you have time. Free-write if your time is limited. If you lean towards poetry, write a new one, or polish up an older one. Make an outline or character sketch. If you only write for blogs, then write a few for your backlog so you always have something to post when life gets too crazy. Take advantage of lulls to get your writing in.

I know not everyone has the time to write every day. Hopefully you can find time to write at least once a week. Why not Wednesday? If you’re too busy today, try another day of the week. Pick a day that you have the least to do and set aside some time, maybe an hour, and write something. Anything at all. A paragraph written is more than you had…

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It’s time for Camp – April is coming!


images (53)I’ve noticed a few emails from the NaNo folks reminding me Camp is coming up and to join in the new adventures. It only took me a minute or two to seriously consider – I mean, who wouldn’t want to go camping? S’mores, bonfires, late night ghost stories… your own wordcount/revision/whatever goals… am I right? So of course I updated my novel info (Psst! it’s not a novel this year, it’s a short story, but we won’t snitch.), made sure I wouldn’t be dumped randomly into some poor soul’s cabin, and informed my Muse we were doing this!

You are going to join me, right? RIGHT??

Called to Serve


Well said.

I was knitting a short while ago. Surprise! Yes, if you know my schedule, up at about 6am, make coffee, grab needles, go. I often listen to the radio while I’m knitting, no matter where I am. Sometimes music, sometimes talk radio. A short while ago, I heard the press conference of Dr. Kent Brantly, the doctor with Samaritan’s Purse who contracted Ebola and was now being released from the hospital, clean and cured. But, there was something he said in his press conference that caused me to sit back, put the needles down, and reflect. He said, and I’m paraphrasing mind you, that he and his family had moved to Liberia for a two years stint because they were called by God to serve and at the time Ebola was not on the radar.

And I kept doing my best to connect with that idea, “….called to serve.” But…

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